When playing dart alone, you do not really have much to worry about. All you care about is hitting as close to the bullseye as you can, right? However, when competing with someone, you have to consider the scores.
As you can see, a dartboard has quite a lot of scoring numbers on it, along with sections. The haphazard placement of the numbers may confuse you. But, you will get used to it with time. Moreover, it is not really haphazard. You will notice the highest numbers are kept away from each other and close to the lowest numbers.
This is to increase the difficulty of the game. In case you miss the shot- you score quite low. Now, the most common type of game played on a dartboard and the easiest to understand is the darts rules 301. In fact, 301, 501, and 701 or any rule ending with 01 has the same rules
Explore Darts History (Who invented, When & How was invented)
Thus, it is quite handy to know these rules. So, let’s see how you play this game and how you keep score when playing a 301 game.
The main objective of the game: The main aim of the 301 game or any game with an 01, in the end, is to reduce the score to zero from 301. Apparently, 301 is the highest score you have and also the score you have at the beginning.
Table of Contents
What do you need?
- A standard dartboard.
- Three darts at least.
- A sheet to keep score.
Introduction to the dartboard
Before we get to the darts rules 301, let us first get acquainted with how the dartboard is marked.
When you look at a dartboard, you will see two circles in the middle. Apparently, both these circles are the bullseye. In fact, the inner circle is the inner bullseye worth 50 points. And, the outer circle is the outer bullseye worth 25 points.
Then, you can see the dartboard being divided into twenty equal segments. Each segment has a number written over it. For example, 1, 5, and 20 are placed beside each other. You can call this segment column as well. Apparently, these numbers indicate the score of each of the segments.
Then, you can see the two rings on the board over the segments. The outer ring is something you call the ‘double’ and the inner ring is the ‘triple’. Why such names? Quite logical actually- when you hit the double ring, the segment/ column it is it gets the number multiplied. For example, if you hit the double of a 20- you score 40.
Similarly, when you hit the inner ring, the segment you hit will triple. For example, if you hit the triple of column 20, your score is 60.
Then, there are the free spaces between these rings called ‘single’. And, single is exactly what they do. Apparently, if you hit on these spaces- your segment score stays the same. When you hit a 20, you score a 20.
Find the best professional dart boards here.
So, that is your introduction to the dartboard markings.
Darts Rules 301
Who goes first?
This is quite a simple choice. You can either flip a coin or base the decision on who hits closest to the bullseye. Apparently, if both the players hit at the same place, then you just repeat the process and measure again.
When does the scoring start?
As a player, you can only start when you hit a double. And, this process is the ‘double in’ process. Whoever hits a double first will keep reducing his score from 301. Thus, he will have an advantage. Your score will count only after you hit a double.
Each player gets to throw three times in a row.
How does the scoring occur?
As you already know, you have to reduce your score from 301 to zero. The fast a player reaches zero, the faster he finishes. However, there are rules. The rules are mostly for the ending throws a player makes.
For example, after you double in, you have to gather as much score as you can as fast as you can. For example, you may hit a triple 20, an outer bullseye and an inner bullseye. So, for that round, your score is 60+25+50=135. You will start the next round with (301-135=166). So, you will have to deduct a score of 166 in the next rounds fast to win.
The Double Out.
You will have to be very calculative and also very accurate in your shots. The reason is that this game does not offer you a lot of flexibility. Apparently, the last shot of the game must be double in order for it to count. For example, suppose you have to score 100 to win. Then, you can divide your target for that round like triple 20, single 20 and a double 10.
Your score will not count if you hit: triple 20, double 10 and a single 10. Because the last shot is not double. So, you will have to double-out your way.
When can’t you win-Bust.
Usually scoring higher is great in sports. But, in darts, you have to score accurately. If you exceed your required score then you have to start the turn all over again. Apparently, if you need 120, you have to score 120, 122 will not make you win. This is called the bust.
Therefore, you see, the game of darts using the 301 rule is a tactful and intelligent one. You have to divide the score into your rounds in a way that each round does not have too much pressure. Furthermore, you have to keep the end in view- the last shot must bring in a double score.
Best Darts Players in The World (Greatest of All Times) are listed here, have a look.
In conclusion
Playing dart following rules will give you far more pleasure than playing it randomly. You have a standard to base your performance on. Furthermore, using your brain in the process helps you in another aspect of life as well. So, now, you know the darts rules 301 and you can enjoy darts even more!